

Wholesale Carnations

The Carnation stands as one of the most enduringly popular flowers. This singular bloom boasts a delicate ruffled, multi-petaled, double blossom located at the terminus of a lengthy branching stem. With blooms measuring 2 to 3 inches (5-8 cm) in diameter, these flowers grace stems ranging from 1 to 3 feet (30-91 cm) in length. Carnations are characterised by a fresh scent and a pleasingly fluffy texture. Available in a myriad of colours, including white, red, pink, yellow, orange, purple, and various bi-colours, Carnations offer a versatile and vibrant choice for floral arrangements.

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Design Tips

Carnations exhibit exceptional longevity and versatility in design applications. Whether presented in clusters or combined with other flowers, they come in an extensive array of colours. The distinctive ruffled texture of Carnations imparts a unique touch to any floral arrangement. Functioning as an "all-purpose" flower, Carnations can contribute both height and width to your floral creations. As an essential staple flower, it is advisable to always keep them on hand, suitable for single stem sales, consumer bunches, bud vase arrangements, or as bouquet components. Given their extensive variety and colour options, Carnations seamlessly complement any colour scheme. Their extended vase life makes it prudent to pair them with flowers sharing similar characteristics in arrangements.

Vase Life

7 to 21 days depending on the variety, anti-ethylene treatments, and use of flower food.

Care Tips to Extend Vase Life

  • Trim Stems: Cut stems at a 45-degree angle before placing them in water to maximise absorption.
  • Change Water Regularly: Fresh water every 2 to 3 days will keep your carnations looking their best. Clean the vase thoroughly to prevent bacteria build-up.
  • Keep Cool: Avoid placing carnations in direct sunlight, near radiators, or in drafty areas to maintain their vibrancy.
  • Avoid Ethylene Gas: Store carnations away from ripening fruit, as the gases can shorten their lifespan.

Elevate your floral creations with our high-quality wholesale flowers, including stunning carnations. With their unmatched longevity and versatility, carnations are the perfect addition to any bouquet or arrangement. Experience our reliable flower delivery and explore a wide selection of fresh flowers at FlowerSuppliers. Shop today and let carnations bring life to your designs!

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Carnation Zenit


Carnation Zurigo

From £30.45 (inc VAT)

Carnation Cerise (Pink)

From £30.45 (inc VAT)

Carnation Cream


Carnation Gold


Carnation Hypnosis